Modern Celebrant Creating Meaningful Wedding ceremonies
Moments bursting with joy, happiness and laughter
Modern Celebrant Creating Meaningful Wedding ceremonies
Moments bursting with joy, happiness and laughter
Creating Dream
Wedding Ceremonies
I’m Frances but everyone calls me Fan
Modern, Personalised Wedding Ceremonies
You may be a little daunted, but please don’t be. We will work closely together and design a modern and personalised ceremony which will be remembered and treasured by yourselves and all your guests.
No rules
No regulations
Great Stories
This is the stuff great memories are made of
I would be so thrilled to work with you to create a Wedding Ceremony that not only you will love, but will also enchant, enthral and amaze your guests. I really care about creating a moment that will last a lifetime.
Smiles, laughs, hugs
and happy tears
I am passionate and vibrant and can relate to any crowd, dissolve any tension or nerves there may be, am highly organised and will seamlessly fit into your vision for your day.
So if you are looking for a fun loving, charismatic celebrant that radiates style with a smile, I’d love to hear from you.
Yours is a story I can’t wait to tell
Make memories of a truly fabulous event in your lives

“We didn’t know we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun”
– AA Milne –

Client Love

What does a Wedding Celebrant Do?
Wedding celebrants create and conducting wedding ceremonies that are tailored to a couple’s preferences and beliefs completely unrestricted by rules and regulations..
Will I be legally married with a Wedding Celebrant?
No. Currently in England and Wales, wedding ceremonies led by wedding celebrants are not yet legally recognised. The legal part of getting married is very simple and can be done for as little as £40 – it essentially consists of signing the register, much like registering a birth or death. There is no need to exchange rings or vows.
What’s the difference between a registrar and a wedding celebrant?
A Celebrant provides a bespoke ceremony, with no rules or regulations, at a venue of your choice licensed or unlicensed and will not be a stranger to you on your big day.
A Registrar is a government official and can perform ceremonies only in venues licensed for marriages using specified contractual wording to legalise it. No spiritual or religious content may be used and the couple will not have met the Registrar before the day of their marriage.
Can I have a registrar and a Wedding Celebrant together for the wedding?
Technically yes but a lot depends on whether your local registrars will allow it. I am delighted to give you guidance on this.
Who were you trained by?
The UK Society of Celebrants in 2016. I have full professional indemnity and public liability insurance.
How much do you charge for a wedding?
Wedding Ceremonies start from £995. The fee includes our pre-meetings, drafting you a totally bespoke wedding script, as well as any redrafts. And of course, the ceremony itself delivered on the day. I don’t charge VAT. Expenses for weddings will reflect travel costs/time and overnight accommodation. I charge 55p per mile outside a 15 mile radius of my home.
When should I book you in?
The longer the lead time, the better. The best thing you can do is get in touch as soon as you start thinking about planning your ceremony.
Will you travel to any location?
Yes absolutely I love to travel. I have presided over wedding ceremonies all over the UK and beyond.